Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Dermawand How does it remove wrinkles.

This is a very good question with a fairly simple answer.

I call derma wand “The Enabler”

This is because the actual derma wand is really just a simple hand held version of a well known and fairly old fashioned machine that beauticians have used around the world for years and years.

You may recall seeing such a machine in the beauty salon before. It is electrical and has a wand with a electrical wire attached to the machine and some dials on it.

The dermawand produces a harmless high frequency radio wave which in turn excites the production of oxygen in the derma layer of the skin. The automatic follow on is that the surface skin becomes taut to accommodate the re muscling of the derma layer , and this makes you look years younger. 

There is no doubt that the dermawand works very efficiently to remove wrinkles and the only downside seems to be that one needs to use it on a continuing basis once started.

For this reason the instructions suggest that you plan for the use of it. Allow 3 minutes twice a day to do this.

You will certainly start to look younger and your friends and family WILL comment on it. In some cases after a few days.

Be prepared! It’s a very nice feeling.

More information here: